DiSCO (Defining Standards in Colorectal Optimisation) – (CI Susan Moug)



Project name: DiSCO

Full title of study: Defining Standards in Colorectal Optimisation (DiSCO): international consensus on key standards for colorectal surgery prehabilitation 

Lead investigators: Susan Moug (UK), Rebecca Fish (UK), Sue Blackwell (UK)

Collaborators (individuals, nations or Tripartite partners): Iona Pearson (UK), Sarah Daniels (UK), Malcolm West (UK), Nanette Mutrie (UK), Paul Kelly (UK), Mike Kelly (UK/PPI), Deborah Keller (USA), John Woodfield (NZ), Nicola Fearnhead (UK)

Contact email: susan.moug@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Permission to include project and contact email on Tripartite 2022 website: yes

Twitter handle if available: @DiSCO_study 

Short update on progress so far: Systematic review of current prehabilitation literature in patients undergoing colorectal surgery has been published. PPI event has been held. Round one of the three round Delphi has been completed. Round two is currently open and due to close in mid March. Round three will open in May with the final consensus meeting planned for July 2021. This will be either online or face to face, depending on COVID restrictions.

Funder: Bowel Research UK (Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Association and Kingston Trust)


  1. Daniels SL, Lee MJ, Geroge J, et al. Prehabilitation in elective abdominal cancer surgery in older patients: systematic review and meta-analysis. BJS Open. 2020; 4(6): 102
  2. Pearson I, Blackwell S, Fish R, Daniels S, West M, Mutrie N, Kelly P, Knight S, Fearnhead NS, Moug S. Defining standards in colorectal optimisation: a Delphi study protocol to achieve international consensus on key standards for colorectal surgery prehabilitation. BMJ Open. 2021 Mar 24;11(3):e047235.




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