Anna Martling

Anna Martling

Professor of Surgery, Karolinska Institutet and Colorectal Surgeon, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden

Anna Martling is a Professor of Surgery at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. She defended her thesis on rectal cancer in 2003, became a board certified surgeon in 2004 and an associate professor of surgery in 2009. In 2014 Martling became full professor of surgery. Since 2019 she holds the position as Dean at Karolinska Institutet North, Stockholm.

Since 2008 she has been heading the research group and responsible for the research field of colorectal surgery with special focus on clinical, translational and epidemiological studies on colorectal cancer. A special interest of Martlings research group has been predictive and prognostic biomarkers, aspirin, radiotherapy, timing of surgery and development of new surgical techniques.

Her research has received numerous awards. In 2013, Anna Martling received the Swedish Surgical Society´s Great Research Prize. She is considered to be a world leading expert in her field and is a frequent lecturer in Sweden and abroad. Professor Martling is chairman of the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Study Group, which is a national research network for colorectal cancer in Sweden.

Between 2015-2018 she has been the Chairman of the Program Committee of ESCP and responsible for the scientific programme for the annual meeting. Since 2020 Prof Martling is coordinating chairman of the Task force for implementing Precision Medicine into health care in Region Stockholm. In year 2021 she received the prize “Cancer Researcher of the Year” from The Swedish Cancer Society.

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